Hello all.
I hope everything is going well with you and your family.
Please enjoy a journey through time and space with this song, Time Travel.
Time Travel
Song by Shinji Harada
Words by Takashi Matsumoto
Music by Shinji Harada
日の暮れる頃 呼び鈴押した
At sunset, I pressed the doorbell of your old mansion
on the outskirts of town.
暗い廊下で 君は無言の手招きさ
蕃紅花色の ドアを開けたよ
You silently beckoned me to enter the dark hallway
and open the saffron-colored door.
スフィンクスが眠る 砂漠に君は立ち
下弦の月に 照らされてたよ
You stood in the desert where the Sphinx slept.
And you were illuminated by the waning moon.
北極星の真下に 尖がるピラミッド
光の船を 君はさす
You pointed to a pyramid-like ship of light,
indicated just below the North Star.
時間旅行のツアーはいかが いかがなもの?
Will you join me on a time travel tour?
You in the Claire Patra outfit are saying.
時間旅行のツアーはいかが いかがなもの?
そうささやいた ああ夢の中 ああ夢の中
Will you join me on a time travel tour?
You whispered it. Ah, in a dream Ah, in a dream.
黒い自動車 すれ違いざま マシンガン
ニューヨークでは お祭りさわぎ
Black cars are passing each other
and shooting machine guns in New York City.
古いラジオが 奏でだすのはチャールストン
FBIも タップダンス
An old radio plays the Charleston,
and FBI agents are tap dancing.
時間旅行のツアーはいかが いかがなもの?
Will you join me on a time travel tour?
You sound like a Hollywood Queen.
時間旅行のツアーはいかが いかがなもの?
甘い吐息さ ああ夢の中 ああ夢の中
Will you join me on a time travel tour?
Your sweet breath heals me. Ah, in a dream Ah, in a dream.
最後の部屋は 星降りそそぐ時の果て
幾千万の船が 旅立つ
The last room is the limit of time. The stars are falling.
Tens of millions of ships are setting out.
住めなくなった 青い地球は窓の外
やがて小さな点に 消えたよ
The blue earth, no longer inhabited, can be seen outside the window.
And then it disappeared as a small dot.
時間旅行のツアーはいかが いかがなもの?
Will you join me on a time travel tour?
The dream abruptly ended there.
時間旅行のツアーはいかが いかがなもの?
Will you join me on a time travel tour?
I’m in Tokyo. In your hands, in your hands.
Will you join me on a time travel tour?